Is the Sun Responsible for 2020? The Cosmic Mechanism of Viruses and Riots

Donnie Bergeron
9 min readJun 5, 2020

How the Sun may have caused COVID-19 and extreme social unrest.

I know what you may be thinking, and NO, this is NOT astrology. It is quite literal astronomy. Most statements I make in this article (besides obvious side thoughts) are in the research cited at the bottom.

This is my first Medium story, and quite frankly, I’m unsure how receptive you’ll be to it. That said, if you approach what I’m about to say with an open mind, it may very well change the way you look at life and the universe. I’ll attach sources and resources.

I’ll give you the synopsis before I give the details:

The sun goes through an 11-year “sunspot cycle”, during which time, its magnetic field weakens (solar minimum) and strengthens (solar maximum). Sunspots are “freckles”, dark spots, on the sun’s surface, which appear in areas with a very strong magnetic field. The sunspots are just the “symptom” of increase in magnetic strength. It’s the magnetic field that is actually affecting Earth, not the spots themselves. In between the predictable ~11 year “periodic” cycle, there are also unpredictable, “episodic”, peak activities like solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which are essentially the opposite of a solar minimum and signify very high magnetic activity. These peaks and valleys in magnetic power output from the sun have various effects on Earth.

To understand the point of all of this, you have to understand that electromagnetic fields hold and exchange information and also directly interact with DNA and consciousness. It seems as though magnetic fields may even house consciousness itself. You are a walking EM field generator and your brainwave state is the frequency at which your personal EM field is oscillating.

I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible while still imparting enough information for it to make sense.

First, the virus. In late 2019, we entered into a solar minimum, a part in the cycle where little or no sunspots are present on the sun.

☀️ Solar Minimums:

∙ Period during the 11-year solar cycle in which the sun’s magnetic field diminishes, and therefore there are many less sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections.

∙ Historically, Solar Minima give rise to pandemics.

∙ Usually, the solar winds and the sun’s magnetic field form a “shield” around Earth, protecting us from Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR), which are highly charged particles from outside the solar system that are known to cause very fast genetic mutations and DNA damage. These cosmic rays have been shown to cause or speed up mutation in viruses, bacteria, AND humans. When the sun is not in solar minimum, we’re well-shielded from the cosmic rays getting through the atmosphere. We are bombarded by cosmic rays during solar minimum that would otherwise be blocked.

“Minima in the sunspot cycle present conditions conducive to the entry or activation of new pathogens and also for mutations of already circulating bacteria and viruses. Three grand minima of solar activity on record — the Sporer minimum (1450–1550 AD), Maunder minimum (1650–1700 AD) and the Dalton minimum (1800–1830), have all been marked by a preponderance of pandemics — Small Pox, English Sweats, Plague and Cholera.”

∙ The H1N1 pandemic poked its head out…drum roll….11 years ago in 2009, only to resolve in 2010, when the solar minimum was over.

∙ There are multiple research papers in renowned scientific journals correlating solar minimums and the resulting cosmic rays with extremely quick viral and human genetic mutations. I’ll link some at the bottom of this story.

∙ As far back as 1971, Nature magazine published the research of R.E.Hope-Simpson, which showed that sunspot cycles correlate with influenza pandemics and alter the virus’ potential to create antibodies. (not cool) The virus mutated to a different variety with each successive sunspot cycle, showing that the sun’s radiation can cause mutation of a virus. Cosmic rays are able to mutate the living cells which come in their contact. Genetic mutations are not always harmful, but sometimes can change the susceptibility of the human cells prone to the virus attack.

∙ Knowing this, in the case of Sars-cov-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, it’s feasible that the cosmic rays resulting from the solar minimum we entered in late 2019, caused a mutation and then formation of the special “S protein” which allows for such perfect binding to the human ACE2 receptor. This is especially feasible when presented with the number of reports from scientists across the globe who are saying this virus does not look like it underwent natural evolution to gain the ability to infect humans. Conversely, other research dealing with H1N1 even surmises it’s equally possible that in the case of H1N1, HUMAN cells were mutated by the cosmic rays in such a way that they were suddenly more susceptible to viral attack.

Side note: Western science basically thinks that viral mutations that lead to human infection or other functional changes happen by pure chance and are random. With millions or billions of base pairs in the genome, they tell us that the perfect mutated genetic sequence for instance…to form an S Protein capable of the binding affinity of Sars-cov-2 in humans, or mutating human skin cells to allow H1N1 infection, happens by pure chance. If we consider intelligent design for one second, and then remember the fact that electromagnetic fields are exchanging energy/information, it seems much more likely (to me at least) the Sun and its activity are somehow intelligently facilitating evolution on this planet, as suggested by a paper I’ll quote then link below:

“We conclude that intermittent and largely unpredictable peak solar cycle radiation has been the fundamental engine of evolution, forcing organisms to adapt to mutagenic (causes mutations) UVR and producing enough damage to instigate genetic variation.”

Ok…moving onto the social unrest, riots, and EXTREME polarity….

Solar Maximums/Peak Activity.

Like I said earlier, in the sense of solar flares and coronal mass ejections, they can happen randomly, even during a solar minimum, at which time they are largely unpredictable. In essence, they represent the opposite of solar minima…aka peak magnetic field energy. They are the result of extreme fluctuations in the Sun’s magnetic field and result in very sudden outbursts of energy that can equal billions of atomic bombs….moving on…

☀️ Solar Flares/CME:

∙ Solar flares are extremely large explosions on the surface of the sun. In just a few minutes, the flares release as much energy as a billion megatons of TNT. They occur near sunspots, usually at the dividing line between areas of oppositely directed magnetic fields. Hot plasma is launched up and away from the Sun in the form of a flare. Solar flares emit x-rays and magnetic fields which bombard the Earth as geomagnetic storms, interfering with the Earth’s magnetic field (which we are electromagnetically embedded in)

∙ Solar flares are classified in a logarithmic system similar to the Richter scale of earthquakes. Flares have 5 classes: A, B, C, M, and X, with each letter being 10x stronger than the last. Each class also has 10 subsets e.g. C1, C2, with C2 being twice as powerful as C1.

What I’m about to do is provide circumstantial evidence and other supporting research that the recent flares in May are correlated with the sudden social outburst. This is NOT to undermine the real issue that’s really happening. This runs deep and presents a picture of the universe as an extremely balanced, intelligent, interactive feedback system, and stars as potentially conscious, living (even “breathing”), entities.

∙ Throughout early May 2020, as huge global unrest began to unravel concerning opening back up after COVID, we began to be bombarded by semi-frequent, low-class solar flares (mostly class A).

∙ George Floyd was murdered on May 25. The following few days, we experienced the first Class B solar flares of the month, which remember…are 10x+ more powerful than Class A. (class A flares are disregarded much of the time) Minneapolis and a few other cities were up in protest in these first following days.

•MAY 29, 2020: On May 29, the day shit really hit the fan with the protests and riots, we experienced THREE high-class solar flares: a Class C1, then a Class C 9.3, and finally one extremely powerful Class M flare. Auroras were going crazy. Auroras are the result of charged particles from the sun passing through Earth’s magnetic field. SpaceWeather posted on the morning of the 30th: “Last night, May 29–30, a dense and slow-moving stream of solar wind hit Earth’s magnetic field. The impact sparked auroras over Canada.” NASA has made multiple posts about this massive Class M flare.

∙ By the next day, literally hundreds of cities were in full protest. Shit was and IS hitting the fan to the 10th degree. A movement is screaming at the world, and it has reached a tipping point: something will come of this.

∙ Also, by Monday, a storm was brewing in the Gulf of Mexico, poised to be the first big storm of hurricane season

Flares erupt on the surface of the Sun in “twisting” areas of strong magnetic field

So, what makes the Class M solar flare special?

Well, we haven’t had a Class M hit since October 2017.

August, September, and October 2017 were LOADED with C, M and X class solar flares.

Let’s review what was going on in the world during that time frame:


∙ Hurricane Harvey smashes the USA gulf coast, killing over 100 and tying Katrina for the most expensive hurricane in history

∙ Hurricane Maria smashes Puerto Rico, St. Croix, and Dominica. It is regarded as the worst natural disaster in recorded history to affect those islands and killed 3059 people at least.

∙ Members of ISIL staged multiple attacks near Nasiriyah in the southern Dhi Qar Governorate on September 14, killing at least 50 people and injuring 87 others. (BBC)

∙ A homemade bomb exploded at the Parsons Green train station in London. 30 people were injured in the attack. (BBC)

∙ 2017 St. Louis Protests, following the acquittal of former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley in the Shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith, a black man

∙ The Vegas shooting, which is the deadliest mass shooting in USA history

During intense solar flares and the ensuing magnetic interference, the magnetic field of the Earth, which we are embedded in, is disturbed. There are multiple theories as to how this could affect human consciousness, the human genome, or both, causing mass obvious changes in large sums of people very quickly.

There are also multiple studies correlating peak solar flare activity with suddenly terrible weather and mass mental changes among people.

A quote from a paper linked below:

“This paper hypothesizes that the intensity of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the Sun predisposes humans to polygenic mutation fostering major mental illness (MMI) and other disorders of neurodevelopment. In addition, the variation in the intensity of this radiation acts to stress immune systems, possibly mediated by cytokines, resulting in variable clinical expressions of mental illness and autoimmune disorders.”

— referring to, so called “chaotic solar cycles”, which cause particularly severe solar flares during which UVR is 300% more intense and hence more damaging than normal.

So…they postulate that the intense variation in radiation can mutate the human genome, which could even be an epigenetic mutation (so therefore likely temporary) and cause an out-of-control inflammatory immune response, MAJOR MENTAL ILLNESS, and even expression of autoimmune conditions.

I’ll leave it to you to draw your own comparisons between that sentiment and what’s going on currently…cities burning, police gassing and dragging innocent people out of their cars..etc.

I’m gonna wrap this up, but here’s some food for thought:

The Sun is literally our creator. The complex elements that form the Earth and life on it were fused from hydrogen atoms (single protons) in the core of the Sun (potentially some from other stars too), and then “sneezed” into space via solar flares/coronal mass ejections to get us here in the first place. Accident? Doubt it. No matter your personal religious background, this is how your personal God physically manifests its creation. Think on that for a minute.

If you made it this far, high five. My only hope in publishing this is to instill some sense of wonder in people who attempt to delve into the ever-deepening mysteries of the universe, who seek to learn more and look at the big picture when shit’s hitting the fan, and to connect dots between things that are seemingly unrelated. We seem to live inside a giant, sentient, interactive, feedback loop system, inside which all parts affect all others and create balance.

It’s very possible in my mind that the Sun-Earth relationship is itself a feedback loop, and the solar flares are a result of built up magnetic informational tension housed within us, our “collective consciousness” per se, and the Sun’s mutation-causing outbursts are its way of catalyzing the change we collectively seek. Who knows.

I leave you with my favorite quote:

“Most people don’t think the universe be like it is, but it do tho.”


RIP George Floyd and RIP our old ways

